Senin, 07 November 2011

You are not my friend but you are my partner

Ani hey… what’s up u there? Finally I found you!

Tau g seh? Gw kangeen banget ma gaya lo…

Sumpeh loh, lo tu bikin suasana rame. Bahkan orang- orang yang suka rasis bisa cair dg adanya lo. Jg ketika gw so weak lo bisa bkin gw kuat n pede eventhough lo g pernah mau kl gw sebut temenku, coz lo g suka punya temen yg g sealiran ma gaya lo. But you prefer were my partner.. You said, “I’m not your friend, I’m your partner.” Yes, that what you said at that time. While I thanks to you coz all your kindness, help me all the time n you said, “What’s a friend for!” It was fun when you said that. You didn’t realize that when you said that part it means that you were my friend eheheh . . . .

Kl lo msh di dekat gw mgkn gw bakalan terus ngikutin kemanapun lo pergi, menggandeng tanganmu, bersembunyi di balik badanmu yg hot itu xixixi. . .

Btw, gw masih punya loh video-video amatir yang lo rekam pake fodafone gw, while you were my partner. Sumpeh bener2 gila… n for me a little bit embarrassing coz i looked ugly on your video. Disitu lo masih narsis. What about now? Masih tidak ya? kl lo mau tar gw upload deh ^^

Ani, maybe now lo bisa sebut gw ini bukan siapa2, bukan temen jg bukan partner.

In memorial, you were the best partner ever… Allah bless you dear…

1 komentar:

U may blabz me whateva 4 any reason...thanks